Category: Uncategorized

ORNL scientists make fundamental discovery to creating better crops featured image

ORNL scientists make fundamental discovery to creating better crops


OAK RIDGE, Tenn. July 22, 2019—A team of scientists led by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have discovered the specific gene that controls an important symbiotic relationship between plants and soil fungi, and successfully facilitated the symbiosis in a plant that typically resists it. The discovery could lead to the development of […]

Eucalyptus Genes for Biofuel Production featured image

Eucalyptus Genes for Biofuel Production


ORNL researcher David Kainer is working with scientists from Australia, Germany, and Michigan to isolate Eucalyptus genes for biofuel production. They are investigating the genetic basis of variation in oil yield (terpenes) in blue mallee, a eucalyptus native to Australia.

CBI Wins R&D 100 Award featured image

CBI Wins R&D 100 Award


The TNT Closing system from CBI is a flexible DNA assembly from universal libraries to generate multi-gene constructs was awarded to Gerald Tuskan and Xiaohan Yang have filed a patent application that provides a predefined three-nucleotide (TNT) signature and a buffer system for a quick on-pot reaction. The Gene assembly speed streamlines steps for a […]

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Gordon Bell Prize featured image

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Gordon Bell Prize


The ORNL team of Daniel Jacobson, Wayne Joubert, Deborah Weighill, and David Kanier developed a new “CoMet” algorithm that allows supercomputers to process vast amounts of genetic data and identify genes that may be more susceptible to pain and opioid addiction as well as promising treatments. By running the algorithm supercomputers are able to successfully […]

Genetic behavior reveals cause of death in poplars essential to ecosystems, industry featured image

Genetic behavior reveals cause of death in poplars essential to ecosystems, industry


Scientists studying a valuable, but vulnerable, species of poplar have identified the genetic mechanism responsible for the species’ inability to resist a pervasive and deadly disease. Their finding, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could lead to more successful hybrid poplar varieties for increased biofuels and forestry production and protect native […]

Complex networks identify genes for biofuel crops featured image

Complex networks identify genes for biofuel crops


Scientists are using different layers of information combined with new computational approaches to integrate vast amounts of data in a modeling framework. Researchers can now identify genes controlling important traits to target biofuel and bioproduct production.

Critical plant gene takes unexpected detour that could boost biofuel yields featured image

Critical plant gene takes unexpected detour that could boost biofuel yields


For decades, biologists have believed a key enzyme in plants had one function—produce amino acids, which are vital to plant survival and also essential to human diets. But for Wellington Muchero, Meng Xie and their colleagues, this enzyme does more than advertised. They had run a series of experiments on poplar plants that consistently revealed […]

Beckham receives the 2018 Beilby Medal and Prize featured image

Beckham receives the 2018 Beilby Medal and Prize


Dr. Gregg Beckham, a recently promoted Senior Research Fellow at NREL, and the Lignin Valorization Team Lead for the Center for Bioenergy Innovation (CBI), has received the Royal Society of Chemistry, Society of Chemical Industry and Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Beilby Medal and Prize.


Supported by the DOE Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research